17 Jan 2017 1 min read

What is the appropriate level of currency hedging?

By Jonathan Joiner

Recent currency market volatility, particularly the fall in the value of the pound, has highlighted the importance of determining the appropriate level of currency hedging for investors in international assets.


In this paper we discuss key considerations for setting the appropriate strategic level of currency hedging and the implications of recent market developments.

  • Key factors to consider when setting the hedge level include an investor’s asset class mix, currency exposure, costs and time horizon
  • We recommend a top-down approach at a portfolio level and a bottom-up approach at an asset class level, considering asset-class specific factors and overall portfolio exposure.

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Jonathan Joiner

Senior Solutions Strategy Manager

Don't be surprised if Johnny doesn't look like the photo above. This was taken before the birth of his first child when sleep wasn't deemed a luxury. Beyond running around after his daughter, Johnny loves to travel and eat out. This has led him to invent a new meal, Dinch (dinner/lunch), ideally timed for parents who want to eat out but are conscious of baby's bed time.

Jonathan Joiner