Maria Larsson Ortino

Global ESG Manager

Maria Larsson Ortino
Maria leads the Stewardship team’s efforts on health as well as being responsible for global engagement and voting activities for holdings within the pharmaceutical, biotech, healthcare, chemicals and tobacco sectors. Prior to joining LGIM in 2019, Maria was a member of the ESG teams at Newton Investment Management and State Street Global Advisors. She has also headed up the research team at a start-up corporate governance data company, served as an analyst within the IVIS team, part of the Investment Association, UK. She started her ESG career at PIRC, a proxy adviser, in 2007. Maria has an LLB from Queen Mary College, University of London and a Master’s Degree from the Graduate Institute of International Studies, University of Geneva, Switzerland.

Other articles by Maria Larsson Ortino

McDonald’s can do more to tackle the growing threat of AMR
Maria Larsson Ortino
ESG and long-term themes

McDonald’s can do more to tackle the growing threat of AMR

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) poses a systemic threat to the global economy. As a responsible...
By Maria Larsson Ortino
22 May 2023
4 min read
New year’s resolutions: turning up the heat on our engagements
ESG and long-term themes

New year’s resolutions: turning up the heat on our engagements

As we shiver our way to 2023, the Investment Stewardship team explains how it escalates engagemen...
By Dror ElkayamJeannette AndrewsMaria Larsson Ortino
20 Dec 2022
3 min read
AMR and the water sector: the pandemic in the shadows
ESG and long-term themes

AMR and the water sector: the pandemic in the shadows

Anti-microbial resistance (AMR) poses a systemic risk to markets and an urgent threat to human...
By Maria Larsson OrtinoAlexander BurrEmma Cameron
03 Oct 2022
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Anti-microbial resistance: engaging water utility companies
Maria Larsson Ortino
ESG and long-term themes

Anti-microbial resistance: engaging water utility companies

Why and how we are engaging water utilities on this critical public-health issue  
By Maria Larsson Ortino
09 Nov 2021
3 min read
Anti-microbial resistance: why should investors care?
Maria Larsson Ortino
ESG and long-term themes

Anti-microbial resistance: why should investors care?

We believe that, without coordinated action today, AMR may be the next global health event and th...
By Maria Larsson Ortino
07 Jan 2021
5 min read

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